For those that know me well, you know how our little family moves all over this Great Southern Land! And as the end of the year draws near, we are moving yet again - but this is the last move!
15 odd years ago, we quit our jobs, sold my car, decked out Kevin's Ute, packed up the house and heading off to explore Australia, with the promise we would be back in 12 months - who were we kidding!
The more we explored the more we found to explore! Along the way we got engaged, then married, had two beautiful daughters, met some of the most amazing people and made lifelong friends! Now we are going home!
Not home to NZ or PNG for me, but to Cairns, my Aussie Home! My Mum and Dad, Sisters, Kevin's Mum and Dad and Sister along with Brothers-In-Law, Neices, Cousins, Friends, God-Daughters and Uncles and Aunties - all live in Cairns, so it is Home in every sense of the word!
We are excited and scared, no more moving for this little family, Cairns has changed a lot in 15 years, but the people are still the same!
Now we have to find a house to be our home, no easy feat! We have been looking and looking and looking and hopefully soon the right one will find us!
The next few weeks will be insane! Packing, travelling and hardest of all - saying goodbye to our sensational friends, especially our neighbours, we surely were blessed the day we signed the lease on our little Adelaide home, it will be hardest to say goodbye to these wonderful people, but they know they will always have a place to lay their heads in Cairns!
So during the coming weeks I thought I would document our move, this will be our 5th in as many years, and a lot of people ask how I do it, well its a family effort, but as it is one of the most stressful things in life I have learned some coping tricks over the years and thought I would share.
Life will be chaotic, so this documenting will not be regular, but I will try!